Therapy Blog for Orem, Spanish Fork & South Jordan
How Individual Therapy Can Help You Set Better Goals
During your time in individual therapy, you will work with your therapist to create and meet goals. But, how can you create goals that work? And how can counseling help you figure out how to achieve those goals?
Let’s talk about some common mistakes that make goals unreachable. Then, you will learn how individual therapy can help you learn to effectively set and achieve your goals.
What’s In a Goal?
You probably have an idea of the things you want out of life. Especially the things you want to change! In fact, those things you want to change are probably the very things that have motivated you to pursue therapy in the first place. But, odds are, you have already tried so many different solutions without success. If you can relate to this, then you are in the right place!
Goals are a central part of your therapy experience. And your therapeutic goals will decide the direction and approach of your therapy sessions. No pressure, right? Thankfully, your therapist can help you identify and set goals that will yield lasting and meaningful results in your life in your counseling sessions. (Related article: Building a Toolbox in Individual Counseling)
But, there are a few common missteps to consider when thinking about which goals you want to bring to your individual therapy experience. Let’s look at these common goal-setting mistakes:
Oversized Goals
Maybe you’ve got big dreams and a grand vision for what you want out of your life. And that’s great! As a therapist, I appreciate when clients have hope in the future and ideas about what they want in their ideal life circumstances. However, when it comes to goal-setting, sometimes those big dreams can lead to oversized goals. And oversized goals can feel overwhelming! If you have excessively big goals, you might also notice that you have a hard time knowing where to begin or how to take the first steps. And if you don’t know how to begin, you might start to feel stuck. (Source: The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris).
Now, you don’t have to throw out the big dreams and visions for your life. The answer might lie in breaking the goal down into smaller, more manageable bits. (Related article: Practicing Acceptance). You know what they say: how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Consider this: could my goal be broken down into smaller steps? Or could this goal be downsized if I think about what I can reasonably do to move towards this goal over the next six months? There are many ways to break big goals down into bite-sized bits while still honoring the bigger dreams and plans you have for yourself.
Too Many Goals
Maybe your goals aren’t too big, but your list of goals feels never-ending! Your goals might be bite-sized and manageable, but even the most bite-sized goals will feel like too much if your to-do list is packed full of them. This might be especially relatable for you if you are a perfectionist. You might find that as you are trying to achieve one goal, you add a dozen more along the way… and pretty soon you aren’t completing any goals and the list has grown twice as long!
Sometimes it’s not about avoiding setting goals, it’s about consolidating and finding what you can most reasonably and realistically accomplish next. And being realistic and reasonable can look like simplifying your goals and your vision to make things more attainable and to help you get un-stuck. (Related Article: Debunking Counseling Myths: “Therapy Isn’t About Problem Solving”).
Goals in Individual Therapy
Goals are a central part of your individual therapy experience. But therapy is not just a check list of to-do items. Instead, your goals in therapy will be used as a tool to facilitate growth and progress.
Your individual therapy experience will start with working to create a treatment plan where you set goals and share your vision of the future with your therapist. (Related article: What to Expect in Your First Therapy Appointment). Your therapist will help you navigate how to set effective goals that help you move towards living the ideal version of your life. And, as you move through the counseling process, you will find that you discover and achieve other goals along the way.
If you are feeling stuck, direction-less, or confused about your goals and how to accomplish them, individual counseling can help. Contact us today to begin Individual Therapy in Orem, South Jordan, or Spanish Fork, or via Telehealth.