As a therapist offering counseling for anxiety, I have learned that clients use the term ‘anxiety’ as a catch-all for many different emotions. At least this is how many people use it. Being able to recognize your emotions is one key to mental and emotional health.  As I do counseling for anxiety, I notice that…

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One of the most basic needs you have as a person is attachment – this is something that Couples Counseling can help with. We are not built to be alone. However, many of our reflexes are to protect and take care of just ourselves. Figuring out how to balance the tendency to take care of…

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How to Make Counseling Work Events or circumstances beyond your control have an important impact on changing – going to counseling can help. You and your spouse could come into therapy looking for help and expecting that therapy itself will create that change. Did you know that therapy researchers reference events and circumstances outside of…

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As a couple, you need a way to communicate with your spouse when you are feeling pain or discomfort. When you are hurting it can often come across through anger or frustration – which usually leads to fights and problems. You might try to tell your partner what to do in order to themselves feel…

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anxiety therapy

How Therapy Can Help Your Anxiety Anxious Thoughts Performing anxiety counseling over the years, I’ve noticed that clients anxiety comes in many forms. One of the most common ways in your mind – what you think. You become anxious and start thinking anxious thoughts. When this is the case, challenging thinking errors or other cognitive…

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Counseling can help you deal with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. Most of us try to avoid uncomfortable emotions. Who likes to feel sad, depressed, lonely, hurt, scared or betrayed? Don’t you try to NOT feel this way? You might even engaged in unhealthy behaviors to avoid your emotions. Most people do. I encountered…

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Relationship problems are inevitable in marriage. That term can be very broad, so let’s break that down a little more specifically. Because, when I ask couples what I can help them with, the most common response is “communication problems.” This is what they would call their biggest relationship problem. In my mind, this term has…

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Pornography counseling can be one of the first steps to healing. It will help you open up to yourself and others. One of the problems is that secrets fuel addiction. As I have mentioned before in previous posts, addictions, such as pornography addictions, are a shame-based experience. This means that when someone uses pornography they…

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