If you have recently gotten divorced and are seeking individual counseling, you might feel like your entire world is turned upside down. Even the most amicable divorces come with pain, grief, and frustration, and it can be hard to understand how to process what you have been through. Today, you will learn more about the…

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Your individual counseling experience will be a time of growth and discovery. As you work on your goals and process your emotions and experiences, you will learn more about who you are and the things are important to you.  The things that motivate you and that you prioritize are also known as your values. All…

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Looking for therapy for teens in Utah? If you are parenting a teenager, you might feel lost and anxious about your teen and their behavior. Maybe you hear them talk about their anxieties and fears and you worry about how they will handle things in their future. Or maybe you feel like they are completely…

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individual therapy, grief and loss

Maybe you are seeking individual therapy to deal with loss. But you’re not grieving a death. You might have been laid off from your job, or maybe you got a divorce. Maybe you just graduated and are feeling confused and unsure of where to go next. Your children might have all left your home and…

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If you are thinking about starting marriage therapy, you might feel like it will take a miracle to fix things in your relationship. You might worry that improving your marriage will require major changes and adjustments that feel unrealistic and unattainable. Your experiences in marriage therapy and your commitment will create big change. But, there…

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If you are looking to start individual counseling, you might not feel happy, grateful feelings in regards to your emotions. You might feel like your emotions are too big or you have too many of them. Or you might think that you don’t feel things enough. Emotions can seem confusing, overwhelming, and foreign, and it…

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grief counseling

If you have lost a loved one, you may have felt like your entire world stopped turning. You feel different. The things that were meaningful or fun for you in the past now feel hollow and strange. You might also feel lost and alone. And as time passes, you might wonder “why am I still…

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goals, individual therapy

In our recent blog post, you read about two common mistakes you might make when trying to set goals and how individual therapy can help you set more effective goals.  Today, you will learn more about common mistakes people make that could prevent you from achieving your goals. You will also learn how individual therapy…

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During your time in individual therapy, you will work with your therapist to create and meet goals. But, how can you create goals that work? And how can counseling help you figure out how to achieve those goals? Let’s talk about some common mistakes that make goals unreachable. Then, you will learn how individual therapy…

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