If you create emotional safety in your marriage it is one of the best things you can do to make your it last. Let’s talk about what emotional safety is and why it matters. You can create emotional safety with your spouse if you approach it right. There is a myth that if you have…

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Looking for marriage counseling in South Jordan? We opened a new counseling center in your neighborhood. We offer marriage counseling, individual therapy, family therapy and child therapy.    As marriage therapists, we know how to help you and your spouse overcome difficulty, increase emotional intimacy and work through marriage problems. Four common types of marriage…

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Relationship counseling can help you have a stronger marriage and work through marriage problems. We have been providing couples counseling in Utah County and Salt Lake County for years. Let me share what we have learned about what you need to know before you go into relationship counseling for those pesky marriage issues.    Marriage…

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Pre marriage counseling will help you and your partner to increase the likelihood of marriage success. You will learn skills to communicate well, understand yourself better and work through issues together. Or, it could actually help you end your relationship before you get married. Either way, good thing. You don’t want to force a relationship…

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Here is one myth that a marriage counselor will help you dispel: Marriage needs to be a 50/50 split. Everything done and contributed needs to be equal. This simply is false. What marriage needs is 100% from each partner. In some instances, that means that one spouse will do more than the other because of…

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