couples counseling

Couples Counseling: Emotional Intimacy in Marriage Maybe you have already started couples counseling to find that missing “something” in your relationship. (Related article: What Happens in Counseling?). Maybe you haven’t even gotten to that point yet, but you’d like help recreating the connection you used to have with your spouse.  Thankfully, there is a way…

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How to Help Your Veteran Partner Our therapists are familiar with a very population that often seeks counseling; military veterans. And, if your partner is a veteran who is struggling, you might not know what to say. Your veteran faces unique mental health challenges. (Related article: How to Talk to Someone in a Crisis). Maybe…

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Offering Support When Things Go Wrong Since this is a counseling blog, chances are you are reading this because you or someone you know is going through something hard. If you are close to someone who is in a crisis, you might not know what to say. How do you offer your support? What can…

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Counseling for Beginners If you have never seen a therapist before, therapy might seem very foreign. Maybe your only experience with what actually happens in counseling comes from TV shows or movies (ever seen the Sopranos?). Or maybe you have only heard things second hand from your friends and family who have sought help in…

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About Marriage and Family Therapists If you are new here, it might seem like the world of counseling and therapy is overwhelming! Truthfully, I don’t blame you. You aren’t the first person to struggle to know where to begin when it comes to therapy. Maybe this is your first time seeing a therapist. Maybe you…

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marriage counseling

Promoting a Partnership Marriage As you attend marriage counseling, you and your spouse will work to find ways to support each other. You are both busy people. You might be juggling work, school, kids, hobbies, friends, church, and more. Supporting each other probably feels overwhelming, and it can be hard to know where to begin.…

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marriage counseling

The Newlywed Phase Beyond the Honeymoon So, you have gotten through wedding planning. Everything went great. You even went on a relaxing and fun-filled honeymoon. Now, the real work begins! (Related article: Marriage Counseling for Newlyweds). Don’t let the idea of starting your new life together scare you. You might feel intimidated, but this phase…

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marriage counseling

Marriage Counseling: Team Building Over the course of your marriage, you and your partner will work together and form a team. As a team, it is important for you to learn how to work together effectively. This sounds simple, but you have probably noticed by now that it is easier said than done! Thankfully, your…

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marriage counseling

Marriage Counseling Helps You Debunk Marriage Myths Your marriage counselor will likely spend some time in your counseling sessions identifying, discussing, and debunking common “marriage myths” in your relationship. You have likely heard lots of common adages about what makes a good marriage. People in your life will have many things to say about how…

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marriage counseling

If you are married or in a relationship, you and your partner might sometimes struggle to get on the same page. Miscommunication is a frustrating issue to fix.  Thankfully, marriage counseling can help. There are strategies marriage therapists have developed to help you better understand each other.  Today, you will learn about a simple strategy…

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