individual therapy, grief and loss

Maybe you are seeking individual therapy to deal with loss. But you’re not grieving a death. You might have been laid off from your job, or maybe you got a divorce. Maybe you just graduated and are feeling confused and unsure of where to go next. Your children might have all left your home and…

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virtual therapy, telehealth

You might be wondering, is virtual therapy right for me? You might be asking whether your situation is one that could be addressed in teletherapy? Starting therapy is hard enough, and sometimes meeting via video can feel strange. However, virtual therapy can be a great fit for a variety of problems and concerns in therapy.…

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If you are seeking couples therapy, you might feel stuck in a constant loop of conflict with your partner. You may argue about the same things over and over. Or maybe you feel like you are having the same kind of argument about different topics. Either way, the point is that you feel stuck and…

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If you are preparing to begin teletherapy via video, you might be wondering how you can make the most of your experience. After all, you are not seeing your therapist in person. You may be never actually meet your therapist face-to-face! So, how can you make sure you have the best experience possible in online…

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You will work on a lot of different skills and goals during marriage counseling. And most of those goals revolve around creating a shared vision. Now, if you are currently struggling in your marriage and feel like you just can’t see eye-to-eye, this may seem like an unattainable goal. However, building a shared vision isn’t…

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When coming to marriage counseling, it’s important to know what to expect and what not to expect. After doing marriage counseling for over 2 decades, I’ve noticed a few things that I can share to help you understand.  Marriage Counseling Is A Place To Talk First, marriage counseling, simply put, is a place to talk…

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couples therapy

How Couples Therapy Can Help Solve Negative Sentiment Override Did you know that most couples wait an average of six years to seek couples therapy? You might not be surprised by that statistic. If you are reading this, you might be seeking couples therapy for the first time. Or maybe you’ve been before and you…

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sex therapy

Learning Better Communication Skills in Therapy Can Improve Your Sex Life  You may have heard of sex therapy, but you might not realize that sex therapy is often not even about sex. As strange as that seems, sex therapy typically focuses on your communication with your spouse.  Today, you will learn about how improving communication…

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communication skills

Communication Skills: How to Set Better Boundaries In our last blog post you learned about the basics of boundaries and how therapy can improve your communication skills. But what if you have tried to set boundaries and it seems like they just aren’t working? What is missing?  Today, we will talk about a common mistake…

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communication skills

Communication Skills: What is a Boundary?  Your experience in individual, couples, or family therapy will all have one thing in common; you will improve your communication skills. The thought of improving your communication can seem overwhelming or unattainable. Where can you begin when it comes to better communication with your loved ones? A great first…

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