marriage therapy
Relationship Problems and Communication Problems
Relationship problems are inevitable in marriage. That term can be very broad, so let’s break that down a little more specifically. Because, when I ask couples what I can help them with, the most common response is “communication problems.” This is what they would call their biggest relationship problem. In my mind, this term has…
Read MorePornography Counseling – How Secrecy Fuels Addiction
Pornography counseling can be one of the first steps to healing. It will help you open up to yourself and others. One of the problems is that secrets fuel addiction. As I have mentioned before in previous posts, addictions, such as pornography addictions, are a shame-based experience. This means that when someone uses pornography they…
Read MoreHow to Get My Husband to Counseling for Relationship Problems
How Can I Get My Husband to go to Counseling for Relationship Problems? If you have relationship problems, just getting into therapy can be difficult. We are not looking to blame anyone for this difficulty. However, there might be one spouse that is hesitant to start. Let’s talk about what to do if it your…
Read MoreWhat to Do if You are on a Path of Divorce – Couples Therapy
Marriage is never easy, and most spouses need to attend couples therapy to help. Have you ever wondered how so many people seem to look so happy in theirs? Well – they might be, but chances are, they struggle too. The difference might be how you handle the struggle as a couple that can bring…
Read MoreCouples Therapy – Pornography Problem
Do you or someone you love have a pornography problem? It’s more common than you think. Pornography use is on the rise and the age of first exposure is starting earlier and earlier. Research (Davis, Perry in 2017) has also found that breakups in romantic relationships are twice as more likely to happen 6 years…
Read MoreMyth: Marriage needs to be 50/50
Here is one myth that a marriage counselor will help you dispel: Marriage needs to be a 50/50 split. Everything done and contributed needs to be equal. This simply is false. What marriage needs is 100% from each partner. In some instances, that means that one spouse will do more than the other because of…
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