Many partners entering couples therapy look for one thing: better communication. It would stand to reason, then, that the most common complaint I hear from couples is that they have ‘communication problems’ (Related Article: Relationship Problems and Communication Problems). But, what does this mean? It means the way you communicate with your spouse is painful.…

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Whether you are in counseling or not, here is how to deal with emotions right. If you have emotions that are difficult to handle, consider the following ideas. As you follow these principles, you will start to become more emotionally – and relationally – healthy. These steps are a good companion to couples and individual…

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pornography counseling

Find Recovery and Healing in Pornography Counseling Most of you who use pornography struggle to feel emotions. Aside from shame, that is. Pornography is, after all, a shame-based experience. After years as a marriage and family therapist and doing pornography counseling, I have noticed that it is not that you cannot or do not feel…

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Want to learn how to communicate better? One of the most common relationship problems is setting boundaries incorrectly. Let’s talk about how setting boundaries appropriately helps you communicate well. Setting appropriate boundaries can be tricky and seems counterintuitive. Most people want to set boundaries with their partner because they, personally, are feeling uncomfortable in some…

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Counseling can help you deal with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. Most of us try to avoid uncomfortable emotions. Who likes to feel sad, depressed, lonely, hurt, scared or betrayed? Don’t you try to NOT feel this way? You might even engaged in unhealthy behaviors to avoid your emotions. Most people do. I encountered…

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Do you or someone you love have a pornography problem? It’s more common than you think. Pornography use is on the rise and the age of first exposure is starting earlier and earlier. Research (Davis, Perry in 2017) has also found that breakups in romantic relationships are twice as more likely to happen 6 years…

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Here is one myth that a marriage counselor will help you dispel: Marriage needs to be a 50/50 split. Everything done and contributed needs to be equal. This simply is false. What marriage needs is 100% from each partner. In some instances, that means that one spouse will do more than the other because of…

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