marriage intimacy
Marriage Counseling Myths: “You Complete Me”
Debunking Marriage Myths: “You Are My Better Half/ You Complete Me” As you attend marriage counseling with your spouse, you will work on skills that improve your trust and appreciation for each other. It is important to find significance in the role you each play in each other’s lives. Well-meaning people will say this means…
Read MoreThe History of Marriage (And Why That Matters)
How Modern Marriage Came to Be (And What That Has to Do With You!) Your marriage is a product of generations of past couples and marriages. And marriage has not always looked like it does today! If you attend marriage counseling, you are benefitting from years of research about relationships and communication. We have come…
Read MoreMarriage Counseling: The Anatomy Of An Apology
If you are in a marriage relationship, or any other relationship, you will need to know the anatomy of an apology. Couples in marriage counseling often learn that it’s more than simply saying ‘I’m sorry’. In fact, I often help couples I am working with to not use those words when trying to apologize. It…
Read MoreMarriage Intimacy: Reconnecting
Marriage Intimacy: How to Reconnect and Rekindle the Spark If you and your partner have been together for a while, you might struggle to maintain good marriage intimacy. And that makes sense! You and your spouse are busy people, and it’s easy for that “spark” you once had to fade into the background. (Related article:…
Read MoreCouples Therapy In Utah
Many partners entering couples therapy look for one thing: better communication. It would stand to reason, then, that the most common complaint I hear from couples is that they have ‘communication problems’ (Related Article: Relationship Problems and Communication Problems). But, what does this mean? It means the way you communicate with your spouse is painful.…
Read More3 Principles of Emotional Health – Use With Counseling
Whether you are in counseling or not, here is how to deal with emotions right. If you have emotions that are difficult to handle, consider the following ideas. As you follow these principles, you will start to become more emotionally – and relationally – healthy. These steps are a good companion to couples and individual…
Read MoreEmotions 101: How To Be Healthy – Counseling
Counseling can help you deal with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. Most of us try to avoid uncomfortable emotions. Who likes to feel sad, depressed, lonely, hurt, scared or betrayed? Don’t you try to NOT feel this way? You might even engaged in unhealthy behaviors to avoid your emotions. Most people do. I encountered…
Read MoreCouples Therapy – Pornography Problem
Do you or someone you love have a pornography problem? It’s more common than you think. Pornography use is on the rise and the age of first exposure is starting earlier and earlier. Research (Davis, Perry in 2017) has also found that breakups in romantic relationships are twice as more likely to happen 6 years…
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