south jordan utah counseling

Meet Utah Therapist Dorothy Cobia, MMFT, LMFT  If you are searching for the best therapist for you and your family in Utah, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. How can you find the best therapist for your situation and therapy goals? (Related article: How to Find the Best Therapist for You).  Our office is here…

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relationship counseling

Counseling: How to Spot “Green Flags” In Your Relationship If you have been following this counseling blog for a while, you might notice that there is a lot I could write about when it comes to “red flags” (signs that there may be a problem) in a relationship. And that makes sense. Relationships are hard!…

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couples therapy

The Five Couples You Meet in Therapy, Part 3: The Validaters So far, you have learned about two common types of couples that seek couples therapy; conflict avoiders and volatile couples. Today, you will learn about the third type of couple- the Validaters (source).  You will learn the common characteristics and struggles of validating couples.…

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sex therapy

Learning Better Communication Skills in Therapy Can Improve Your Sex Life  You may have heard of sex therapy, but you might not realize that sex therapy is often not even about sex. As strange as that seems, sex therapy typically focuses on your communication with your spouse.  Today, you will learn about how improving communication…

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marriage counseling

Counseling Debunks Marriage Myths: “Sexual Compatibility Comes Naturally” Maybe you and your spouse are struggling with your sex life, so you seek marriage counseling. You may be used to overhearing ideas about relationships and sex, like “if a couple doesn’t have ‘chemistry’ then they can’t last”. Or “you can’t learn sexual compatibility- you either have…

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premarital counseling

Premarital Counseling: Building Fondness and Admiration In our last post, you learned about how to build a “sound relationship house”, and how premarital counseling can help you and your fiance prepare for your life together. (Source) Now, we’ll talk about some things that will help reinforce the walls of your relationship house. (Related Article: Premarital…

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couples counseling

How Couples Counseling Can Help You Cope with The Stress of Infertility If you are seeking couples counseling to help you and your partner deal with the overwhelming stress of infertility, you are not alone. Infertility can be a stressful, emotionally draining experience. Not to mention the physical stress and discomfort that you experience with…

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couples counseling

Marriage Counseling: How Can We Improve Trust in our Relationship? A common theme you will see in marriage counseling is building trust in each other. After all, trust builds the foundation for the other work you will put into improving your marriage. If you don’t trust each other, you won’t be able to progress together.…

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sex therapy

Sex Therapy: How to Prepare to add Sex to Your Relationship If you are engaged and you are waiting until you get married to have sex, like many do in Utah, you might not be sure how to prepare. It might seem strange to go from abstinence to a regular sex life in such a…

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sex therapy

Sex Therapy: Why can’t we get on the same page about sex? If you are married or in a relationship, you may have heard of sex therapy. Sex is a common concern for couples. There are many reasons why you might have frustrations when it comes to sex. You might struggle to find opportunities for sex with…

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