individual therapy, grief and loss

Maybe you are seeking individual therapy to deal with loss. But you’re not grieving a death. You might have been laid off from your job, or maybe you got a divorce. Maybe you just graduated and are feeling confused and unsure of where to go next. Your children might have all left your home and…

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If you are thinking about starting marriage therapy, you might feel like it will take a miracle to fix things in your relationship. You might worry that improving your marriage will require major changes and adjustments that feel unrealistic and unattainable. Your experiences in marriage therapy and your commitment will create big change. But, there…

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goals, individual therapy

In our recent blog post, you read about two common mistakes you might make when trying to set goals and how individual therapy can help you set more effective goals.  Today, you will learn more about common mistakes people make that could prevent you from achieving your goals. You will also learn how individual therapy…

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couples therapy

You probably feel like conflict and communication issues are what go you into couples therapy in the first place. And that makes sense! Conflict is stressful and exhausting, and if you don’t have the tools to navigate conflict in a healthy way, it can be painful and even destructive to your relationship. But, should your…

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virtual therapy, telehealth

You might be wondering, is virtual therapy right for me? You might be asking whether your situation is one that could be addressed in teletherapy? Starting therapy is hard enough, and sometimes meeting via video can feel strange. However, virtual therapy can be a great fit for a variety of problems and concerns in therapy.…

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If you are seeking couples therapy, you might feel stuck in a constant loop of conflict with your partner. You may argue about the same things over and over. Or maybe you feel like you are having the same kind of argument about different topics. Either way, the point is that you feel stuck and…

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In couples therapy, you will learn how to reconnect and come closer as a couple. But reconnecting is more than just listening to your partner. Truly reconnecting further encourages your commitment to each other and builds your trust in each other and in your relationship as partners. Today, you’ll learn about how being accessible, responsive,…

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Let’s talk about how to build trust in your marriage relationship. After working with couples in Utah Valley for over 2 decades, I’ve noticed a few themes regarding trust in relationships. I’ll discuss them here and how to apply them with your partner (Related Article: Marriage Counseling: How To Build Trust).  Trust Is Different Than…

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couples therapy

Couples Therapy: How To Heal from Infidelity If you and your spouse are working through infidelity, you might struggle to know where to begin. There are many misconceptions about infidelity and figuring out what to do after finding out about an affair can be confusing. So, what can be done? Where can you start to…

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couples therapy

 How to Encourage Sincere Change in Couples Therapy In couples therapy, you will work alongside your partner to create genuine changes. As the new year approaches, you might be even more motivated to turn over a new leaf and find ways to improve your bond with your partner.  But, what creates real change? Odds are,…

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