Meet RaeAnn Teichert, therapist at the Center for Couples and Families.   RaeAnn H. Teichert is a couples therapist in Orem. She received her bachelor’s degree in Marriage and Family Studies from Brigham Young University – Idaho and her master’s degree in Couple and Family Therapy from the University of Nevada – Las Vegas. During…

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One of the most basic needs you have as a person is attachment – this is something that Couples Counseling can help with. We are not built to be alone. However, many of our reflexes are to protect and take care of just ourselves. Figuring out how to balance the tendency to take care of…

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How to Make Counseling Work Events or circumstances beyond your control have an important impact on changing – going to counseling can help. You and your spouse could come into therapy looking for help and expecting that therapy itself will create that change. Did you know that therapy researchers reference events and circumstances outside of…

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As a couple, you need a way to communicate with your spouse when you are feeling pain or discomfort. When you are hurting it can often come across through anger or frustration – which usually leads to fights and problems. You might try to tell your partner what to do in order to themselves feel…

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anxiety therapy

How Therapy Can Help Your Anxiety Anxious Thoughts Performing anxiety counseling over the years, I’ve noticed that clients anxiety comes in many forms. One of the most common ways in your mind – what you think. You become anxious and start thinking anxious thoughts. When this is the case, challenging thinking errors or other cognitive…

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Read this article for good parenting advice from a therapist who works with children and adolescents. I have a love/hate relationship with blogs, Instagram and Facebook. They’re great because they keep me connected with people I care about, but not so great when they intensify my perfectionist tendencies. On rough days, I often catch myself…

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Relationship problems are inevitable in marriage. That term can be very broad, so let’s break that down a little more specifically. Because, when I ask couples what I can help them with, the most common response is “communication problems.” This is what they would call their biggest relationship problem. In my mind, this term has…

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Here is one myth that a marriage counselor will help you dispel: Marriage needs to be a 50/50 split. Everything done and contributed needs to be equal. This simply is false. What marriage needs is 100% from each partner. In some instances, that means that one spouse will do more than the other because of…

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parenting tips

Let’s talk about parenting tips to help you create a stronger family. The ever-growing ideologies of parenting offer two polar scenarios. The first is a beautiful imagery of always smiling children, as if they are cherubim with harps playing harmoniously in the background. Parents and children holding and hands and skipping in sync with bluebird’s…

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