faith crisis
How Individual Therapy Can Help You Cope with Loss
Maybe you are seeking individual therapy to deal with loss. But you’re not grieving a death. You might have been laid off from your job, or maybe you got a divorce. Maybe you just graduated and are feeling confused and unsure of where to go next. Your children might have all left your home and…
Read MoreGrief Counseling: Why It’s So Hard to “Move On”
If you have lost a loved one, you may have felt like your entire world stopped turning. You feel different. The things that were meaningful or fun for you in the past now feel hollow and strange. You might also feel lost and alone. And as time passes, you might wonder “why am I still…
Read MoreWho Can Benefit from Virtual Therapy?
You might be wondering, is virtual therapy right for me? You might be asking whether your situation is one that could be addressed in teletherapy? Starting therapy is hard enough, and sometimes meeting via video can feel strange. However, virtual therapy can be a great fit for a variety of problems and concerns in therapy.…
Read MoreMeet a Utah Therapist: Dorothy Cobia, MMFT, LMFT
Meet Utah Therapist Dorothy Cobia, MMFT, LMFT If you are searching for the best therapist for you and your family in Utah, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. How can you find the best therapist for your situation and therapy goals? (Related article: How to Find the Best Therapist for You). Our office is here…
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