Should I Seek Counseling for Depression?
How to Know if You Should Seek Counseling for Depression If you are considering counseling for depression symptoms, you are not alone. Depression is very common! In fact, you probably interacted with someone today who has dealt with depression at one point or another in their life. (Source) It can be comforting to know that…
Read MoreDebunking Marriage Counseling Myths: Do Opposites Really Attract?
Debunking Marriage Myths Through Marriage Counseling Wisdom: “We Need to Have Everything in Common”/”Opposites Attract” After years of scheduling prospective marriage counseling clients, I have heard many reasons for seeking therapy. These reasons can vary greatly, but many couples have very similar concerns. One of the most common concerns I have seen is clients saying…
Read MoreCouples Therapy: Learning to Accept Your Partner’s Influence
Couples Therapy Tips: Learning to Accept Influence It may come as no surprise to you that many couples who come in for couples therapy want help just getting along. And “getting along” can be more complicated than it seems. However, many couples tend to run into similar problems. And you just might relate! Understanding these…
Read MoreCouples Therapy: Codependency or Controlling Behavior?
Couples Therapy: How Codependency Turns into Controlling Behaviors… and What You Can Do About It You might seek couples therapy to help you become less codependent. Codependency is a common issue in many relationships. But, did you know that sometimes codependency can look like controlling behaviors in a marriage? Now, you might be surprised, and…
Read MoreMarriage Counseling Myths: “Kids Will Improve/Ruin Our Marriage”
Marriage Counseling Myths: “Having a Baby Will Fix Our Problems”/ “Having a Baby Will Destroy our Relationship” If you are trying to plan the best to start having kids, you and your partner are likely experiencing a lot of mixed messages. In fact that’s probably why you are reading a marriage counseling blog! From some…
Read MoreCommunication Skills: Requests Vs. Boundaries
Communication Skills: How to Set Better Boundaries In our last blog post you learned about the basics of boundaries and how therapy can improve your communication skills. But what if you have tried to set boundaries and it seems like they just aren’t working? What is missing? Today, we will talk about a common mistake…
Read MoreCommunication Skills: Boundaries
Communication Skills: What is a Boundary? Your experience in individual, couples, or family therapy will all have one thing in common; you will improve your communication skills. The thought of improving your communication can seem overwhelming or unattainable. Where can you begin when it comes to better communication with your loved ones? A great first…
Read MorePremarital Counseling: Encouraging Fondness and Admiration
Premarital Counseling: Building Fondness and Admiration In our last post, you learned about how to build a “sound relationship house”, and how premarital counseling can help you and your fiance prepare for your life together. (Source) Now, we’ll talk about some things that will help reinforce the walls of your relationship house. (Related Article: Premarital…
Read MoreTherapy for Teens: How to Respond to Negative Self-Talk
Therapy for Teens: How to Respond to Your Child’s Negative Self-Talk Maybe you are reading this because you aren’t sure if you should seek therapy for your teen’s negative self-talk. Or maybe your teen is acting differently lately and seems more negative about their appearance or grades. Negativity can be somewhat normal when it comes…
Read MoreParenting: How to Build Your Teen’s Self Esteem
Parenting Teens: Building Self Esteem Parenting a teen is hard! During this time in your teenager’s life, they are coping with a lot of change and growth. As a result, your teen might be struggling with self esteem. Self esteem issues are not uncommon for teens, but they don’t have to be the norm for…
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