Counseling For Mental Health In Utah
How To Be Emotionally Healthy: Primary Versus Secondary Emotions
If you want to learn how to be emotionally healthy, you need to learn about the difference between secondary and primary emotions. In a past article you learned about the importance of recognizing, feeling and coping with your emotions (Related Article: Emotions 101: How To Be Healthy). Learning the difference between a primary emotion and…
Read MoreWhat You Can Do Before Going To Counseling
What can you do before you go to counseling? There is plenty to start with. Counseling for anxiety or depression in Utah is becoming more accepted, even though there are still stigmas attached to it (Related Article: Stigmas – Counseling For Mental Health Problems In Utah). Many people are finding help for their mental health…
Read MoreWhat Is The Difference Between Sadness and Depression?
What is the difference between sadness and depression? This is a question clients often ask me as a therapist in Utah County. Most clients I work with have a hard time admitting that they have depression and want to call it just sadness (Related Article: Depression Counseling). There seems to be a negative stigma with…
Read MoreWhat To Do About Marriage Problems Because Of Anxiety
Let’s talk about what to do about marriage problems because of anxiety. Anxiety can often be seen as an individual issue. However, this issue impacts not only you, but those around you. There are certain techniques that you can use to combat individual anxiety such as positive self-talk and diaphragmatic breathing (Related Articles: How To…
Read MoreCounseling Tip: Polarized Thinking Is Hurting You
As a Utah counselor, I often meet with individuals or couples who use this one cognitive thinking error: Polarized Thinking. It’s something that you are probably doing, but don’t realize it. It hurts your mental health and causes relationship problems (Related Article: Tips For Relationship Problems). Let’s talk about what it is, how it can…
Read MoreHow To Improve Your Self-Esteem Through Self-Talk
Let’s talk about how to improve your self esteem. How you talk to yourself matters and probably doesn’t get much attention. There are a few ways that you can improve your self esteem through noticing your self-talk and changing it for the better. As a Utah therapist, I’ve noticed some patterns that I’d like to…
Read MoreStigmas – Counseling For Mental Health Problems In Utah
The stigma of going to counseling for mental health problems in Utah is diminishing, but still there. Many people believe that you are weak if you go to counseling or that you should just be able to fix your problems yourself. Others don’t know what to expect when going to therapy so they don’t start…
Read MoreTelehealth In Utah
Telehealth in Utah for anxiety, depression, marriage problems, pornography issues or even couples therapy can be effective. During the last few years at the Center for Couples and Families we have offered online counseling sessions for many Utah clients (Related Article: How Utah Telehealth Counseling Works). I’d like to share with you how to get…
Read MoreCounseling Do’s and Don’ts
Counseling is meant to help everyone who enters it. If you have difficulty in your life such as anxiety, depression, pornography, or marriage problems that you can’t handle on your own, counseling is a great option. It’s not guaranteed, however, to make everything better. Counseling is a great option for so many problems and a…
Read MoreEmotions 101: How To Be Healthy – Counseling
Counseling can help you deal with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. Most of us try to avoid uncomfortable emotions. Who likes to feel sad, depressed, lonely, hurt, scared or betrayed? Don’t you try to NOT feel this way? You might even engaged in unhealthy behaviors to avoid your emotions. Most people do. I encountered…
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