relationship counseling

Relationship Counseling: How to Stay Close to Your Partner After You Have Kids If you are a new parent, or just a parent in general, you are probably familiar with the juggling act that starts with your spouse after you have kids. You try to find balance between spouse time, parenting time, and family time,…

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marriage counseling

Your Spouse Can’t Read Your Mind: How Marriage Counseling Can Help In marriage counseling, you’ll learn how to communicate and express your needs to your partner. And so many of the communication issues you and I will experience in our relationships in life are tied to a common idea. We want to believe that other…

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family counseling

Family Counseling: How To Have a Family Meeting  In family counseling, you will learn many different communication skills that will improve your relationships with each other. And the things you learn in counseling are important. But, the work you do when you are not at therapy will make the biggest difference in the long run!…

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family counseling

Family Counseling: Stepparenting and Blended Families If you are a step parent you have probably already began to confront some of the unique challenges that come with being in a blended family. Stepparenting is an experience that you might find rewarding and exciting, but it can also be hard. How do you know the correct…

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couples counseling

Marriage Counseling: How Can We Improve Trust in our Relationship? A common theme you will see in marriage counseling is building trust in each other. After all, trust builds the foundation for the other work you will put into improving your marriage. If you don’t trust each other, you won’t be able to progress together.…

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marriage counseling

Marriage Counseling: Phases of Love If you are looking for marriage counseling, you are probably experiencing some stress in your relationship. You might look back on the “honeymoon phase” of your relationship and wish you could go back to those days. Why can’t love stay the same? Is something wrong with your marriage if it…

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marriage counseling

Debunking Marriage Myths: “Never Go to Bed Angry” If you are like many couples, you seek marriage counseling and advice because you and your partner just can’t seem to agree about a big issue. Or, maybe you disagree about many little issues! Sometimes your marriage conflicts might seem like they are never ending. (Related article:…

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marriage intimacy

Marriage Intimacy: How to Reconnect and Rekindle the Spark If you and your partner have been together for a while, you might struggle to maintain good marriage intimacy. And that makes sense! You and your spouse are busy people, and it’s easy for that “spark” you once had to fade into the background. (Related article:…

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premarital counseling

Premarital Counseling: Creating New Traditions for the Holidays and Beyond So you and your partner are newly coupled or engaged this holiday season. Congratulations! This time in your relationship is even more exciting when you add in the fun of the holidays. Plus, the holiday season is a great time to practice creating unique traditions…

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