Pornography Counseling: Unmet Needs
Pornography Counseling: Understanding Unmet Needs If you or your partner believe you have a pornography addiction and seek pornography counseling, it might seem like it is an impossible problem to fix. Maybe you make progress and then suddenly you or your partner slips up, and now you are frustrated and hurt.(Related article: Creating Emotional Safety…
Read MoreCounseling: Shame vs. Guilt
Counseling Thoughts: Shame vs. Guilt There is a good chance that the concerns you bring to your therapist to work on in counseling have a common theme- shame or guilt about a situation or incident. If you have experienced shame and guilt about things you have done, you are not alone. Many other people are…
Read MoreHow Counseling Helps Veterans
Counseling is For Veterans, Too If you are a military veteran, you might feel intimidated by the thought of finding counseling and resources for your mental health. Sure, you may have heard a lot about mental health resources. In fact, you might even live near the VA Hospital in Salt Lake. However, you might not…
Read MoreWhat Happens in Counseling?
Counseling for Beginners If you have never seen a therapist before, therapy might seem very foreign. Maybe your only experience with what actually happens in counseling comes from TV shows or movies (ever seen the Sopranos?). Or maybe you have only heard things second hand from your friends and family who have sought help in…
Read MoreCounseling: About Marriage and Family Therapists
About Marriage and Family Therapists If you are new here, it might seem like the world of counseling and therapy is overwhelming! Truthfully, I don’t blame you. You aren’t the first person to struggle to know where to begin when it comes to therapy. Maybe this is your first time seeing a therapist. Maybe you…
Read MoreMarriage Counseling: Resilience
Marriage Counseling and Stress If you are looking for marriage counseling, you are probably dealing with stress. Stress is a normal part of life. But challenges can put strain on your most important relationships. You might struggle to know how to navigate stressful experiences and maintain the quality of your marriage. It can be hard…
Read MoreOrem Marriage Counseling: Paige Gifford
Meet Paige, Couples Counselor at the Center for Couples and Families in Orem! Paige Gifford grew up in sunny San Diego, California. She moved to Utah for college seven years ago and has since then learned to tolerate Utah’s snowy winters. Paige received her bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in Family Life. Paige is…
Read MoreOrem Marriage Counseling: Laura Davies
Meet Laura, Couples Counselor at the Center for Couples and Families in Orem! Laura Davies is originally from Chapel Hill, NC. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Family Studies with an emphasis in Human Development from Brigham Young University and has remained in Utah ever since. Laura is currently receiving her Master’s Degree in Marriage…
Read MoreMarriage Counseling with a Utah Therapist
Marriage counseling in Utah has helped many heal their relationships and move them forward. As a marriage and family therapist practicing in Utah County for nearly two decades, I have noticed a few trends of couples who’ make it’ that might be helpful for you to know. Get In Early And Often It’s…
Read MoreOrem Marriage Counselor: Brian Johnson
Meet Brian, Marriage Counselor at the Center for Couples and Families in Orem! Brian Johnson is a marriage counselor, from Lindon, Utah. He earned his bachelor’s degree in family studies from BYU. He subsequently earned his master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) from Dixie State University along with an emphasis in working with…
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