As a therapist over the years, I have noticed a few common marriage problems. I see these going hand-in-hand with marriage problems such as the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, based on my practice-based research. I am going to outline several common themes based on what I’ve seen as a PhD, marriage and family therapist…

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In a previous article, I wrote about 4 signs you have marriage problems. In this article, I will outline how to fix marriage problems. These concepts are taken from one of the world’s leading researchers on marriages, John Gottman. He has followed couples in his research studies and has found out what it takes for…

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Meet Jessica, therapist at the Center for Couples and Families!   Jessica Westover is a Marriage and Family Therapist who graduated from Brigham Young University. She earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Family Studies from BYU, during which she was involved in research on newlywed couple adjustment. In her master’s degree, she focused on…

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Meet Madison Zundel, therapist at the Center for Couples and Families.   As a licensed marriage and family therapist, Madison Zundel enjoys working with couples, families, and individuals who are exploring who they want to be in their relationships. Her approach confronts patterns head on, fostering growth in complex relationships quickly. She has a unique…

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If you are reading this article, you likely have marriage problems. Also, you could be thinking there isn’t hope because you have tried everything. Your own emotional health could be suffering.  Without hope, continuing in a marriage riddled with problems can be daunting. This article is meant to give you hope through recognizing specific issues…

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Many partners entering couples therapy look for one thing: better communication. It would stand to reason, then, that the most common complaint I hear from couples is that they have ‘communication problems’ (Related Article: Relationship Problems and Communication Problems). But, what does this mean? It means the way you communicate with your spouse is painful.…

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Whether you are in counseling or not, here is how to deal with emotions right. If you have emotions that are difficult to handle, consider the following ideas. As you follow these principles, you will start to become more emotionally – and relationally – healthy. These steps are a good companion to couples and individual…

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Offering depression counseling over the years, I have noted that depression comes in many forms. You might naturally feel down or depressed because you lost a relationship or you might experience a diagnosable major depressive episode. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2017) about 7% of all adults experienced the latter in a…

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pornography counseling

Find Recovery and Healing in Pornography Counseling Most of you who use pornography struggle to feel emotions. Aside from shame, that is. Pornography is, after all, a shame-based experience. After years as a marriage and family therapist and doing pornography counseling, I have noticed that it is not that you cannot or do not feel…

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Want to learn how to communicate better? One of the most common relationship problems is setting boundaries incorrectly. Let’s talk about how setting boundaries appropriately helps you communicate well. Setting appropriate boundaries can be tricky and seems counterintuitive. Most people want to set boundaries with their partner because they, personally, are feeling uncomfortable in some…

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