couples therapy

Couples Therapy: How To Heal from Infidelity If you and your spouse are working through infidelity, you might struggle to know where to begin. There are many misconceptions about infidelity and figuring out what to do after finding out about an affair can be confusing. So, what can be done? Where can you start to…

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teen therapy

Therapy for Your Teen: How to Manage Big Feelings If you are the parent of a teenager, you might be seeing a lot of big feelings coming from your child. And managing your teens’ moods can be overwhelming! Maybe your teen cries, throws fits, and acts defiant in a way that feels like their toddler…

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Just Breathe! Reduce Anxiety With This Simple Exercise Anxiety might seize you in the middle of the night, or perhaps at the beginning of a work meeting, or maybe while driving your kids to soccer practice. Wherever it happens, it can overwhelm you. Your mind won’t stop running; body is tense; heart is racing. You…

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marriage counseling

 Arguments in Marriage Counseling If you are considering marriage counseling, you might be unsure of how a marriage therapy appointment works. Maybe you and your spouse are experiencing more conflict than usual. You might wonder if you can (or should) argue in front of your therapist in marriage counseling. Is it better to be on…

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couples therapy

In Couples Therapy, It’s Okay to Need Your Partner Success in couples therapy requires vulnerability. And that can be easier said than done! Especially when it comes to your closest relationship; your partner. Add in the fact that you might feel pressure to be independent and avoid relying on others for support, and you have…

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relationship counseling

How to Build Healthy Attachment in Relationship Counseling In relationship counseling, you will learn new things about your partnership as a couple. But did you know that you will also learn things about yourself? One important aspect you will learn about yourself in couples therapy is your attachment style.  Let’s talk about attachment and what…

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couples therapy

Becoming More Accessible, Responsive, and Engaged with Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy In your search for a couples therapist, you may have seen mention of EFT or Emotionally Focused Therapy. EFT is a style of therapy that focuses on how you and your partner process and react to emotions in your relationship. It can help you…

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couples counseling

 Get a Fresh Start for the New Year in Couples Counseling New year, new you! And new marriage, too? Couples counseling can help. The new year is a great time to work on starting fresh when it comes to your goals, aspirations, and your relationships. Now is as good a time as any to make…

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marriage counseling

Debunking Marriage Myths: “Marriage Should Be Easy” “When you’re with the right person, marriage will be easy.” “It’ll all come together when you find the one!” “If everything isn’t falling into place, then something must be wrong”. You may have heard similar comments about marriage and relationships throughout your life. And these sentiments are brought…

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couples therapy

 How to Encourage Sincere Change in Couples Therapy In couples therapy, you will work alongside your partner to create genuine changes. As the new year approaches, you might be even more motivated to turn over a new leaf and find ways to improve your bond with your partner.  But, what creates real change? Odds are,…

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